Benefits of Teaching Narrative Text

Is there a benefit to teach narrative text? - After we have discussed explanations and examples of narrative text, now is the time we find out some of the benefits that we can take the time to learn narrative text.For a teacher, the benefits of a lesson that can be taken by students is the most important thing, is not it? A teacher is not a person who just wants his students to get high marks in the exam / test course, he had the main objective, which is to take advantage of the lessons he taught.And here are some benefits that students get when studying narrative text:Understanding the "Settings"In each narrative text, as it certainly shaped a story, setting shows students where and when this happens the story narrative. Students can understand the difference between one place and another. Students should also be able to distinguish between the place and time of the story with another story.Understanding the "Character"A story must have a main character, either as protagonist or antagonist. Students can recognize their character. Students should be able to tell which character is inappropriate imitated, and which character is exemplary. If students are not able to distinguish
these two characters, it can be said narrative text taught by teachers not fully useful.PersonalizingMany studies have shown that a narrative text can help people be able to control the situation which he was a natural. Because usually there are stories in the narrative text related to the story that they experienced. In addition, the narrative text can also make students able to think more logically in control of their time. Beginning of the story, middle of the story, and the end of the story should be a consideration in taking his students further.At least three benefits of narrative text can make us keep in mind that there is no knowledge that is not useful. There are the things or issues that 'might' not unexpected that we can understand and we finish.Perhaps there are many more benefits of narrative text, for students and teachers, so-so if only an opinion ...