English Lesson Plan For SMP 2012

I do not agree to mandatory teacher to always make time to teach a lesson each material; specifically although sometimes the rules are not required, yet I do not AGREE. why bother thinking.

if any buddy teacher of English gentlemen were busy making lesson plans for English Character SMP / MTs know students who are conducting lab lesson plans for teaching English as medium of teaching and learning in SMP / MTs, please download it at the links below :

English lesson plan format SMP / MTs Character above clearly different from the previous lesson plan format. In the latest format no special subsections for "Character Students Expected" at the Learning Objectives.

In the current Implementation Plan Pembelajara there are some students who expected such character: Trustworthiness (Trustworthines), Respect and attention (respect), Persistence (diligence), responsibility (responsibility), Brave (courage), and others.